10 Things You Can Do Today That Will Change Your Life

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    Things You Can Do Today That Will Change Your Life

    What’s one thing you can do today that can totally change your life?

    To help find things that you can start now to change your life, we asked business leaders and entrepreneurs this question for their best advice. From upgrading your smile to focusing on internal indicators of success, there are several things you can do that may help you change your life, starting today.

    Here are ten things you can do today that can change your life:

    • Upgrade Your Smile
    • Invest in Cyber Security
    • Offer Your Expert Insight
    • Start Saving for Your Future
    • Take Up a Mindfulness Practice
    • Switch to Grayscale
    • Aim to Manifest Your Goals
    • Let Go of Yesterday
    • Focus on Internal Indicators of Success
    • Reach Out to Friends and Family

    Upgrade Your Smile

    Same-day immediate dentures can change your life. We know how difficult it might be to speak clearly, eat normally, or even smile. These are important to our daily lives, and not being able to do them because of tooth loss can be devastating for some people. This is why getting partial or full dentures today can significantly change your life for the better.

    Henry Babichenko
    Henry BabichenkoDirector, European Denture

    Invest in Cyber Security

    Be aware that everything you do online could have consequences. Cyber-attacks have been happening much more frequently. Hackers and bad actors are always looking for potential victims. Don’t think ‘it can’t happen to me’ because businesses of all sizes can be a target. It’s important to invest in cybersecurity, especially security awareness training for your employees because we’re all in this together to keep each other safe online.

    Nick Santora
    Nick SantoraCEO, Curricula

    Offer Your Expert Insight

    Sharing your expert insights can help to boost traffic and business. This can open more doors and access to opportunities you didn’t otherwise have access to when used strategically. Terkel is a great platform for community-driven content. Experts with authority and trust in various industries such as Finance/Accounting, Real Estate, Home and Gardening, Beauty, Health and Wellness can share their knowledge for the chance to gain attribution either to their LinkedIn or business website. While this may not be completely life-changing initially, as organic traffic never is, you are one step ahead of the game with consistency.

    Rronniba Pemberton
    Rronniba PembertonDigital PR Manager, Markitors

    Start Saving for Your Future

    Everyone knows the importance of saving money. It is something that we are taught to do as kids, and as adults, we see the impacts it has on our everyday lives. No one wants to be stuck working a job that they do not enjoy, so if you want to make sure that you can set yourself up for more personal success down the road, then it's time to start putting your money into different saving avenues. Whether it be a high yield savings account or stocks, if you can keep your money flowing, you will start making feasible gains on your current income. Adding additional revenue on top of your income can propel you to hit goals far more quickly than you would normally.

    Chris Gadek
    Chris GadekVP of Growth, AdQuick

    Take Up a Mindfulness Practice

    Elevating your energy, spirit, and mind will change your life for the better. Meditation, reading, and mindful exercise are great ways to better yourself while the distractions of outside life are somewhat distanced from your everyday. It’s imperative that you remove yourself from screens and detox from social media as often as possible so you can better align with yourself and your wellness. Your outlook on life will instantly transform once you focus your attention on your peace.

    Brent Wicksly
    Brent Wicksly

    Switch to Grayscale

    Whether you use an iPhone or Android device or any other smartphone, switching your display to no longer show full color and instead only show grayscale (basically, like black and white) can absolutely change your life. Many people with mobile devices don't do this, but it can help a lot with eye strain and overstimulation. The colors in the websites we visit, apps we use, and user interfaces all contribute to stimulating your brain and subtly distracting you. Switching your device to grayscale can greatly impact how you use your mobile device and greatly improve your focus and reduce distractions. Try it for just a few days, and you'll almost certainly notice a significant difference.

    Darryl Higgins
    Darryl HigginsFounder, Athlete Desk

    Aim to Manifest Your Goals

    Manifestation provides clarity for your goals. Speaking your goals and aspirations out loud makes them realistic. So many of our thoughts never go further than our mind, but when you declare something out loud, you allow it to come forward in the world; now that your ears have heard it, it becomes all the more real and easier to picture and actualize. I wanted to lead a team that could offer benefits to enrich their lives. Believing that and speaking it aloud has manifested itself into reality which has been the most fulfilling part of running a business.

    Roy Ferman
    Roy FermanCEO, Seek Capital

    Let Go of Yesterday

    That loud voice in your head reminding you of past failures can cripple your ability to move forward, make the right decisions, and execute correctly. Today is a completely clean slate and yesterday. Albert Einstein once said that "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” I have always believed that mistakes are evidence that you're not stationary.

    Scott Turman
    Scott TurmanCEO, BrightRay Publishing

    Focus on Internal Indicators of Success

    We all want to succeed, but you’ll burn out if you become obsessed with external scorecards, be they money in the bank or likes on a post. The truth is that life’s a long game. Over time some things will break your way. Some won’t. When you try and wrestle serendipity into submission, you’ll end up pulling a muscle. So, relax. When you do your best work every day and focus on consistently beating your personal best, you will and without all the stress.

    Tim Toterhi, Plotline Leadership

    Reach Out to Friends and Family

    You should reach out to that friend you've been thinking about. We tend to compare ourselves and our lives to others, especially since we've been connecting with people over the year more on social media and video calls than ever before. Some people are anxious about that change in their lives and feel uncomfortable with this greater sense of separation. I have found that the feeling of random communication is exciting and heartwarming. I love reaching out to friends and family just to say I've been thinking about them; it strikes up a conversation that can really shed light on your day.

    Savannah Scott